Oral Health Scanning
Say Goodbye To Messy Impressions!
In just five minutes our iTero Element 5D intra-oral scanner produces:
- A full oral health scan
- Intra-oral photos
- 3-D model of your mouth
- A precision occlusal gram that maps out your bite and detects any areas of concern
- Near-infrared imaging to detect cavities between your teeth with virtually no radiation
Make an appointment with us to see how an intra-oral scanner can make your visit even more enjoyable. We can’t wait to meet you!
We strive to...
Insurance & Billing
Our friendly team will help you complete insurance paperwork in advance for a better, faster, experience. We make it easy.
Why Choose Our Practice
Get only the care you need.
We aim to empower you with possibilities. We’ll fully explain your options, the pros and cons of each path, and give you our educated opinion. We never do more than is needed, and we always let you know what to expect.
Family first.
We’re a family-run practice with two generations of working dental professionals. Our years of proven know-how pair nicely with leading advancements to give you the best possible care. Even better, we treat your family like our own, going above and beyond to accommodate every busy schedule, concern and question.
Lots to smile about.
The Gaudet family operate City Care Dental, a not-for-profit mobile dental bus that delivers oral health programs for City Dream Centre. These programs help those who have not had dental care due to financial and access barriers. Helping rebuild healthy smiles gives us a strong sense of purpose, vision and community.
Our Satisfied Patients
We love hearing from our patients! Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to provide us with feedback. It means the world to us!